Join Larry Broderick for a Bird of Prey Hike at Lynch Canyon Open Space Park on Saturday, February 8th, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Take advantage of this special opportunity to discover, observe and learn about eagles, hawks and other raptors because this hike . This hike will offer raptor identification tips and views of resident and over-wintering birds of prey. Previous sightings include golden eagles, bald eagles, rough-legged hawks, Cooper’s hawks, sharp-shinned hawks, ferruginous hawks, peregrine falcons, prairie falcons and other more common birds of prey. All ages are welcome, but participants must be prepared for a moderate pace covering about 4 miles, possibly off-trail in places, up and down rugged, steep, and slippery hills that are full of sticky seeds, thorny plants and thistle, and passing free range cattle along the way.
*PLEASE NOTE: Parking at Lynch is $5. The hike is free, however, donations will be accepted and will go towards Larry’s family. Go Fund Me for the Broderick Family